Be Your Own Sex Detective: How to turn obstacles into pathways of pleasure
Comparison is the thief of joy, even when that comparison is to ourselves! That said, it can be scary and downright frustrating when it seems like all of a sudden we’re no longer experiencing the levels of pleasure, connection and intimacy we were in the past. Rather...
What Is Energetic Sex?
There’s a form of sex that, for some, can appear to be quite strange. If you caught Sex Love & Goop on Netflix you may have witnessed something extraordinary… Me and Ian demonstrating an Energetic Orgasm. If you’ve never witnessed this type of orgasm before… you...
Solving “Sexual Incompatibility”
-It’s date night. You and your lover are snuggled up, pressed skin to skin. Relaxation fills your body as you finally claim some much needed time to connect. Then they whisper their deepest fantasy into your ear. You feel their turn on, their craving to be erotically...
Pleasure – the Main Ingredient: Self-Care by the Blueprints
What if your whole life got to be based on pleasure? If pleasure was your way of life? That’s what the Erotic Blueprints™ can do for you when you make pleasure the main ingredient in your self-care. I always giggle a little bit when I tell people I’m an Erotic...
Keep Going: The role of celebration in consistency
Doing the work on sexuality isn’t easy; for many of us, sex and sexuality are the last places we want to look since society doesn’t really give us a sex-positive blueprint to go by when navigating our own sexual expansion and the challenges that arise as a result of...
Explosive Touch: An exploration of nonsexual touch by the Blueprints
The Erotic Blueprints™ aren’t just about sex… and there’s nothing “just” about sex! In fact, there are many ways you can play with touch in accordance with your Blueprint in a nonsexual context so that you don’t have to wait until you’re in the bedroom to experience...
Play Ball: Blueprintifying the penis and testicle experience
Do you know how to make your favorite nutty snack even more tantalizing and satisfying? If you’re approaching the male pleasure organ with the same old approach… It may be time to Blueprintify your ball play! Energetic Blueprint™: This is the place to play with penis...
Ask for What You Want, GET What You Want: A tool to help you take the unease out of communication
You get to have what you want. For most of us, we don’t dare to dream big when it comes to our desires because we don’t think that we can have it. However, while choosing silence is an option, choosing it tends to foster more disconnection between humans rather than...
The Myth of Too Much: An exploration of the Shapeshifter shadow
Which Blueprint Type™ is all about the more? Why, the Shapeshifter Blueprint™ of course! The Shapeshifter Blueprint has a huge capacity for pleasure because their turn-ons span all across the other four Blueprints: Energetic, Sensual, Sexual and Kinky. A Shapeshifter...
Knowing your Erotic Blueprint Type is never meant to cage you or put you in a box; the framework was created in order to help you expand into your fullest erotic expression! If you find yourself reflected in multiple Blueprints or have experienced confusion in...
Foreplay… Done Erotic Blueprint Style
“Foreplay begins at the end of the last orgasm” ~ Esther Perel - Couple’s therapist We LOVE this quote by our colleague and friend, world-renowned therapist, Ester Perel. Building anticipation and desire in relationships is essential to keeping things hot. We see...
Photo by Lindsay Miller Your lips merge with your lover. Dancing and nibbling. Buttons unbutton, flesh connects, tingling and aching. Desire crescendos… And… It’s time to have “the talk.” You know, the sex talk. You’re in a new relationship and...
3 Hot Tips for Fulfilling Foreplay
One of the biggest complaints I get is that foreplay gets skipped. I’m here to help you become a better lover; so how do you give the best foreplay ever? Tip #1- Know Your Partner’s Erotic Blueprint™ Type Here’s a contradiction right out of the gate… Not everybody...