
Simple Pleasures: A celebration of the Sexual Blueprint™

Sexual Blueprints - where are you? We want to celebrate you! So much of what we do here in the Erotic Blueprint™ world is about expanding the definition of sex and pleasure. While sex and pleasure can absolutely include all of the things the Sexual Blueprint considers...

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Five Secrets to Becoming the Ultimate Lover

Pleasure starts with you. It starts with understanding yourself so deeply that you can communicate your desires with a partner. Many of you have taken the Erotic Blueprint™ Quiz and have an understanding of your Blueprint Type™, but this is just the tip of the iceberg...

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The Underdog: my journey to erotic ecstasy

The Underdog: my journey to erotic ecstasy

When I was a kid, I was pulled into the principal’s office on a few different occasions. One of the more significant encounters happened when I was in 4th grade. A group of popular boys decided to team up on someone with Down’s Syndrome. I walked up to the ringleader...

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