Do you know how to make your favorite nutty snack even more tantalizing and satisfying? If you’re approaching the male pleasure organ with the same old approach… It may be time to Blueprintify your ball play! Energetic Blueprint™: This is the place to play with penis...
Ask for What You Want, GET What You Want: A tool to help you take the unease out of communication
You get to have what you want. For most of us, we don’t dare to dream big when it comes to our desires because we don’t think that we can have it. However, while choosing silence is an option, choosing it tends to foster more disconnection between humans rather than...
The Myth of Too Much: An exploration of the Shapeshifter shadow
Which Blueprint Type™ is all about the more? Why, the Shapeshifter Blueprint™ of course! The Shapeshifter Blueprint has a huge capacity for pleasure because their turn-ons span all across the other four Blueprints: Energetic, Sensual, Sexual and Kinky. A Shapeshifter...
Knowing your Erotic Blueprint Type is never meant to cage you or put you in a box; the framework was created in order to help you expand into your fullest erotic expression! If you find yourself reflected in multiple Blueprints or have experienced confusion in...
The Fastest Path to Ultimate Pleasure!
Photo by Lindsay Miller Riddle me this… If you had never tasted a perfectly ripe, delicious strawberry… Do you think you’d understand the experience of eating a strawberry better by having someone describing the taste of a strawberry to you… Or… By personally sinking...
Raising Children, Reimagined: The Blueprints as a parenting guide
The Erotic Blueprints™ are a way of giving language to eroticism. Most of us immediately hear the word “erotic” and immediately start thinking about sex. Eroticism is simply our life force energy, meaning it’s something that’s ever present for us in all aspects of our...
There are 5 Erotic Blueprint Types™
Which One Are You?