Guest blog written by Anika AnastasiaHe slid into me like a nail in the coffin of my faith. I knew penetration rocketed me past the point of turning back. I wouldn’t return to Mormonism. It wasn’t my first or last intentional sabotage. After he and I buried the...
My Unique Ingredient
A few years ago, if people told me that connecting to my sexuality means empowerment, I wouldn't have believed them. Now out of my own transformation, I coach people to be confident and connected through the lens of befriending their body and sexuality. It is not...
I am embarrassed to say that I taught sex education to 14 year olds as part of their health studies. At the time I was uncertain of the names of body parts even though I had given birth to three children. I know I muddled up uterus, vagina and vulva. And I know the...
Older and Better
A few facts: I am 62 years old. I identify as pansexual, pangender, and polyamorous. I am white from a privileged middle-class background. I have been married twice to women, the first time at 19 for a year and the second time at 28 for 28 years. My second wife abused...
These Go to 11: Energize and Expand Ecstatic Pleasure to Satisfy the Shapeshifter
Where are you on the sexuality dial? Are you happily cruising at a yummy 8? Or are you down at a trickle at about a 2? Where would you like to be? Do you know what is possible for you? Personally, I have spent time at every number on the dial over the past several...
Does Sex Hurt? It Shouldn’t. Not even a little bit.
If kinky is your primary Erotic BlueprintTM, then go for it! Enjoy! However, if sex causes you unwanted pain, even a little bit, that’s NOT normal. Understand that you are not alone. Not by a long shot. As many as 3 out of 4 people with vulvas and vaginas report...
There are 5 Erotic Blueprint Types™
Which One Are You?