What’s keeping you from having the best sex ever?
The Four Obstacles to Sexual Health and Pleasure:
Obstacle One: Bio-Mechanics (Flexibility, Body Pain, and Function)
Or what about that position that hits the G-spot but your partner’s knees just can’t take it?
Couples often feel like failures when they can’t bend, stretch or move in certain ways. Even more of a turn off is when your body is in pain. Pain inhibits your sexual desire.
Scar tissue is one of the most overlooked physical blocks to sexual pleasure.
These are all causes of adhesions or scar tissue in the body. Scar tissue can have a massive negative effect on your sex life, creating issues like the from inability to engorge with blood (erection) to loss of sensation.
We are complex creatures and our hormones affect us in big ways. For example, if you are breastfeeding you have a hormonal cocktail in your system designed to decrease your libido.
Is your blood healthy?
Toxic, sludgy blood can keep you from arousing fully.
Lack of arousal that shows up in tumescence (getting hard) can be an early warning sign of heart issues.
Your suxual health can be an overall indicator of your bio-physical health.
It’s very smart to learn what to look for in this area of health and wellness.
It’s great to clear out as much of this electromagnetic influence as you can in areas where you want to promote electromagnetic health, peace and calm in your system.
One suggested solution: there are products called grounding mats that connect you directly to the earth through the grounding socket in your home plugs. If you’re sensitive to these electromagnetic influences, these products can help you immensely.
There are many things to be aware of in the category that can optimize your sexual vitality.
You probably have never been taught how to communicate your sexual needs.
You probably have never been taught how to work with your emotions around your sexuality.
What are you doing about this challenge of sexual communication and being compassionate, expressed and authentic regarding your emotions?
Then there is the overwhelming effect of trauma and shame that shuts off access to real pleasure for so many of us.
Even if you’ve never been sexually assaulted or had your boundaries intentionally overridden (these are epidemic level problems that many of us have faced), you are bombarded daily in our culture by images, beliefs and systemic structures that reinforce shame and sexual trauma.
Do you have the help you need to unwind this tangle of unconscious beliefs and embodied harm that may be robbing you of your pleasure?
The great thing about the 4 Obstacles is that they can be transformed from Obstacles to Four Pathways to Optimal Sexual Health and Pleasure.
However, a great sex technique used with the wrong Blueprint Type won’t work anyway!
That’s why you need to know your own primary Erotic Blueprint™ (take the quiz here) and the Blueprint Type of your lover(s).
A great place to start your journey of discovery and recovery could be our Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course.
This 8 Module, In-Depth Video Training gives you the tools to help you become your own sex life detective and create a life of deep erotic fulfillment.
You get a truly orgasmic bonus when you join this course:
Lifetime Membership to Erotic Freedom Club – our exclusive online membership, where you get 2 monthly group coaching calls with our Blueprint Master Trainers. Every month you have direct access to world class sexuality and relationship experts to help you optimize your orgasmic life.
We’re here to support you on your entire journey!
Fill your life with pleasure,
Jaiya, Ian and The Pleasure Crew