Is Your Unique Pleasure Languishing? I’ve Got 23 Prescriptions for That!

by Blueprint Coach

The Pleasure Prescription

Guest post by Elizabeth Wood, certified Erotic Blueprint™ Coach, MSW, CSSE, CTE, BC

With full disclosure, I am not an MD. I don’t own a white coat (although I occasionally suffer white coat syndrome) and I don’t use a prescription pad.

If I were a doctor in a past life, I like to think I was the British physician Joseph Mortimer Granville who invented the electric vibrator in the early 1880s. The vibrator was originally designed to be used by men to treat pain. In fact, Dr. Granville insisted that his medical device not be used on those labeled as “hysterical women” whose symptoms included nervousness, insomnia, and a lack of interest in (marital) sex. These “hysterical women” were described as behaving in loud and irritating ways.

By the turn of the century, vibrators were marketed to the general public as domestic appliances and people took matters into their own hands, quite literally! That’s when things really started buzzing and the rest, they say, is pure orgasmic history!

While Dr. Granville unknowingly contributed to a pleasure evolution, I feel like I’ve, in a sense, picked up the torch he dropped. Regularly, I encourage the use of his, and any other device for the purpose of pleasure.

During the Victorian era, it would have been extremely difficult for any dignified physician to write a prescription for pleasure. Surely, their license to practice medicine would have been immediately revoked!

The truth of the matter is there’s scientific proof that pleasure heals, and not just a few mental or physical ailments. What’s even more interesting is that researchers discovered that it’s not just sexual pleasure, it’s all kinds of pleasure!

I’ve prescribed pleasure so often and for so long now that there’s hardly anything else I recommend. And, I’m proud to say, I’ve yet to have a single client whine about an adverse reaction to pleasure. What happens, actually, is quite the opposite: more exposure to pleasure decreases the number of complaints I hear about pain. Clients comment on how their pain seems to have miraculously disappeared. My response? “That’s the power of pleasure!”

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Having presented my work at medical meetings, I’ve developed a bit of a reputation. I’m not a physician and have never prescribed the use of drugs. I prefer to guide clients to use their own sensual and sexual pleasure as a pathway to overcome pain. It’s progressive and not at all traditional in terms of modern medicine. My clients tell me they favor my method that supports them to help themselves get better. The dilemma is that many prescribed pills or potions meant to numb the pain often kick pleasure right out the window.

Most recently my business partner, Dee Hartmann, PT, DPT and I concocted more than 20 pleasure prescriptions for at-home use, in private, alone, or, if by choice, eventually with a partner(s).

One of the most popular prescriptions we use asks the client(s) to discover their Erotic Blueprint. Knowing the specific key that opens their unique pathway to pleasure has helped our coaching clients begin to identify who they are at their sexual core.

Following the prescription is easy; simply take the Erotic Blueprint Quiz for immediate relief. For longer lasting results, we prescribe the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course to individuals, couples and moresomes.

Consider the quiz a single dose while the course is a longer prescription administered over, at least, an eight-week period of time. Both are fillable anywhere and can offer an unending supply of pleasure when taken properly.

Other prescriptions, if used as recommended, can help ease pain caused by a lack of education, specifically when it comes to the genitals. There are many people who mislabel genital parts (vulva and vagina are not the same thing). Many more have no idea how genitals should and shouldn’t work. Most have no idea what to do to feel pleasure from this area of their body believing they’re somehow broken and need fixing.

We use a specific set of pleasure prescriptions to alleviate this form of dis-ease. They start with a deep dive into the genital anatomy of those born with vulvas and vaginas. These prescriptions also include supporting a client as they discover the uniqueness of their anatomy. The supplies needed to complete these prescriptions include a flashlight, a cell phone camera, patience, curiosity and wonder.

The intended impact of dispensing such prescriptions is for the client to appreciate these parts of their bodily structure—it’s diverse size, shape and color—to learn that there’s no ONE normal set of genitals, and to know how to use them to bring their body boatloads of pleasure. You can bet none of the docs on Grey’s Anatomy ever doled out prescriptions like these!

Pleasure PrescriptionAnother truth about pleasure is that it can be found anywhere, across all cultures and in any language. Pleasure, as a way of treating yourself, is available in unlimited refills that never expire. Injecting more pleasure into your life will change you beyond measure.

To read more about the remaining prescriptions, check out “The Pleasure Prescription: A Surprising Approach to Healing Sexual Pain”.

In the end, to truly feel pleasure in your body, it’s helpful first to understand any pain that may be in the way. Stay tuned for next week’s blog where Dee will introduce pieces of the pain puzzle. If you don’t already know, pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin!

Elizabeth WoodWhat a pleasure it’s been to write this blog! I am Elizabeth Wood, certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™, certified Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker, certified Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) Provider, and co-author of “The Pleasure Prescription: A Surprising Approach to Healing Sexual Pain”.

I am also co-founder of The Pleasure Movement™, created to inspire a positive focus on pleasure and help spread it across the globe, VulvaLove, Inc., where we provide information and education to normalize genital differences, and The Center for Genital Health and Education, built to develop and fund independent research on genital health issues.

We provide one-on-one educational and coaching services through immersions, in group settings, and consult with other professional practitioners to share the fact that pleasure is a healing tool.

You can find out more at and follow us on Facebook at PleasureMovement, on Instagram at thepleasuremovement, or by emailing me at

“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

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