Healing the Energetic – A Path to Fully Embodied Pleasure

by Blueprint Coach

By Helen Rowlands – Licensed Erotic Blueprint Coach™


The day I took the Erotic Blueprint™ Quiz, my life changed.
I felt fully seen for the first time. 
I felt that my experience of the world was finally able to be defined because somebody else could understand and describe it.
I made the choice then and there to take a deep dive into all that the Blueprints had to offer.
That was just four years ago. I could never have predicted how much my life would change for the better.
Over time, I learned that my expression of the Energetic BlueprintTM was all shadows. I was prickly like a porcupine, deflecting whatever came my way. This manifested in my behavior as criticism and judgment.
I lacked boundaries, finding it difficult to say “No” or to ask for what I wanted. I actually didn’t even know what I wanted!
I was hypersensitive in a myriad of ways. 
To my environment, to foods, to light exposure, to disruptions to my routine. I was living with a constantly dysregulated nervous system.
Over my lifetime these imbalances manifested in disease. I struggled with autoimmune conditions for decades and eventually developed cancer.
Healing the Energetic has been a slow and thoughtful process. I am still surprised by the friendly responses I now get from people and the genuine expression of appreciation they have for knowing me.
My energy is no longer repellent, and this means the world to me. My disease process is reversed. I set my own boundaries and feel comfortable maintaining them.
I am still healing, but I would love to share where I am now and some of the processes I have used to get there.
So how did I achieve this you ask?
I used all the tools offered in the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course!
Here are some of them:
There is no rushing the Energetic!
Instead, I instinctively knew that expanding where I was resourced first, was a big key to my healing process, and this was reinforced by the notion of expanding the Blueprint, offered in module 7 of the course.
This was my first aha moment! Since I generally test equal Sensual/Energetic I spent 2 years focusing on and expanding the Sensual Blueprint™.
Starting out, I showed less of the shadows in this Blueprint than I experienced in the Energetic Blueprint.
I knew I had been successful in expanding my Sensual when people started stopping me in the street and saying how amazing I looked.
The beauty of a Sensual fully embodied!
Free Masterclass
My Sensual expansion involved getting my own hands on my own body and creating a soothing touch.
Knowing that massage, delivered sensually, was vital to my wellbeing, I scheduled it in. I got more present with my food. I dressed in ways that I enjoyed with attention to colours and textures. I started creating my environment as a sensual wonderland.
All these strategies gave me more resources to work with.
Next, I committed to healing and expanding into my Energetic. 
Healing came through learning to tune into what was happening somatically with me and then noticing, not overriding as I had habitually learned to do.
Working with a Somatic Experiencing practitioner greatly facilitated this process.
Regularly attending the Pleasure Mastery Calls available in Erotic Freedom Club and other live sessions so generously offered by Jaiya, Ian and the Master Trainers,  listening to the advice given to others and asking my own questions gave me confidence to continue and new strategies to implement.
This also assisted with gently letting go of my fears and phobias. 
Sexy Sex Labs and Sex Life Challenges were tools in my toolbox, both solo and partnered. I learned to slow my own touch on my body and to approach myself gently and then learned to request the same from my amazing husband and lover of over 40 years.
Crying tears as the pain of old patterns were released.
Embracing myself as my body had yearned to be embraced my whole life and then receiving this embrace from my amazing man.
I actually detailed one of my Sex Life Challenges in another Blog post I wrote in 2019: My 100-day self-pleasure challenge. 
With Jaiya’s guidance, I also learned about scar tissue and the impact it was having on my energy and sexual expression.
I learned about Sexological Body Work and scar tissue remediation and searched out practitioners who could guide me to healing both physically and metaphysically.
Empowered Erotic Persona™ work, an extension of the Erotic Blueprint work, was instrumental in healing what I call “the judger” or over-active self-critical parts. Through Erotic Persona work, I discovered an aspect of myself I called “Prudish Prudence”.
My husband bravely took “Prudish Prudence” out on a date, though she terrified him. It was deeply healing to feel into the prudishness that I had developed as a defense mechanism and for it to be fully seen and allowed to express.
Incorporating energetic orgasms was an integral part of the healing process. Opening to energetic expression, I saw a vast widening of the repertoire of sexual activities that truly feed me.
This process also led me to open more to the Sexual Blueprint which is my husband’s primary Blueprint. In turn, my husband has grown in his Energetic as well. He has learned to accept my need for time and space in order for our interactions to be mind-blowingly orgasmic for both of us!
I am passionate about embodied pleasure as a tool for healing.
Accessing pleasure and releasing the shadows in my Blueprints has produced results that are beyond anything I could have imagined.
Increased self-confidence and ease with both myself and my husband, and happier relationships all around.
~ Contributed by Helen Rowlands – Licensed Erotic Blueprint Coach™
If you’d like to dive into your own journey of sexual awakening and erotic expansion, join us for Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course and become a lifetime member of Erotic Freedom Club.

To find out more about Helen Rowlands and her work as a Coach visit: pleasurewaves.com.au

Helen and SpouseHelen is a Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach. She is married to Philip, has three adult children and resides in Melbourne, Australia.
Helen’s coaching is informed by a holistic lifestyle and long-term conscious partnership, spreading  Pleasure Waves around the globe.
For further information, please visit pleasurewaves.com.au.

“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

As Seen On

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