USE THIS SUPER EFFECTIVE TOOL TO GET THE SEX LIFE SATISFACTION YOU DESERVE: SEXY SEX LAB: FEEDING A SENSUAL. STAYING OUT OF THE SHADOW.What do you do when some aspect of your life is not living up to your expectations? If you’re like me, you: Get real about the...
3 Ways to Slow Time and Surrender to Pleasure
By Ian Ferguson and Tania Dakka Days. Hours. Moments. The time with the ones we love. The mere seconds, it seems, with time to ourselves. Mindless scrolling through our devices, feeding our vices. They all seem so fleeting. Especially when we are busy...
What’s better? Sex life by default or by design?
How can you assure that this year will be your sexiest year ever? (Though: this article is written with couples in mind, the main advice applies just the same to the single folk - if you want a life filled with sexy satisfaction, that is.) We are sold a myth that...
A Pleasure Filled Approach to Optimal Health!
Do you feel healthy, vibrant and alive? Do you spend time on self care? If so, do you looooove prioritizing your health, or does it feel like a steep hill to climb and a daunting chore to maintain? If you’re not caring for your body, why not? If you could create...
The G-Spot = Gratitude!
How Gratitude can be a Pleasure Enhancement Tool...You have such powerful tools available to you to create and experience a fulfilling life. The tools we’re talking about cost you nothing. You won’t find them in a store window, or during a Black Friday sale or on...
5 Steps to Igniting Your Pleasure!
Do you want to feel WILDLY ALIVE?? We’ve got a secret for you… Get turned on! Seriously, it can be that simple. Uncover what REALLY turns you on, and you’ve got one of the most empowering tools right at your fingertips. You are your own pleasure toy and you don’t...
There are 5 Erotic Blueprint Types™
Which One Are You?