Living in Erotic Energy –  Your Access to Vitality

Living in Erotic Energy – Your Access to Vitality

Another day is beckoning. Are you craving to hide in your blanket fort and to find comfort in a delicious pizza? Are Netflix and Hulu getting stale? Another board game? Really? In this midst of all the shelter in place orders and the lack of consistency coming from...

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3 Tips to Aligning Out-of-Step Erotic Blueprints

Knowing and understanding what turns you on (and it’s not always what you think it is, by the way – take the Erotic Blueprint™ Quiz to find out!) means you know and understand how to take your eroticism and make it your superpower. When you are erotically in tune with...

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Use This Practice to Tap Into Your Vitality…

Use This Practice to Tap Into Your Vitality…

Tap into the Schumann Resonance - The field that connects all of us to the energy of the earth! Draw from it the energy and resources we all need now more than ever. Our good friend and powerful Energy Practitioner John Amaral, creator of ‘Energy Flow Formula’, shared...

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Pleasure keeps you healthy! The CDC says so

Pleasure keeps you healthy! The CDC says so

For many of us, it feels indulgent or wrong to allow ourselves to feel or pursue pleasure when there is such upheaval, uncertainty and pain plaguing the world right now. But the world needs you, needs all of us, to be resilient, vital and alive right now! Public...

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What’s Truly Important to You?

What’s Truly Important to You?

This is a Yin time. An inward time. A time for slowing down, because the world is forcing us to. A time for going in. A time for closeness with ourselves, especially if you live alone, and a time for closeness with our partners and families. These are times to assess...

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