Pleasure keeps you healthy! The CDC says so

by Jaiya

For many of us, it feels indulgent or wrong to allow ourselves to feel or pursue pleasure when there is such upheaval, uncertainty and pain plaguing the world right now.

But the world needs you, needs all of us, to be resilient, vital and alive right now!

Public Service Announcement:

The CDC has it on their web-site as a powerful strategy to help prevent yourself from getting sick.


Tapping into your pleasure is a powerful way to create optimal health and resilience, especially when times get tough!

We interrupt the current crisis to remind you that…

  • Pleasure is healing, immunity boosting and calming to your system
  • Pleasure increases oxytocin, dopamine and other bonding and mood balancing hormones
  • When you are relaxed, you’re more resourced, better at problem solving
  • When you are feeling fulfilled, you’re more available to give your empathy, love and support to others who desperately need it

So, we interrupt the current crisis to offer you a bit of £rotica pleasure…

Her lover laid out before her, his body pulsing with anticipation.

She caressed every inch with her eyes, absorbing the electricity radiating from that space of hot vulnerability and surrendered love.

Crawling over him, her hair danced over his chest, teasing his swelling desire…

This is what he’d been waiting for…

Burning for her to give him more, he dared not beg because he knew that she wasn’t one to be rushed.

To be honest, he liked it this way.

This craving that penetrates deep into his soul as she forces the hunger in him to grow.

She knew just what he wanted and needed from her, so that he would feel deeply “fed”.

And tonight was the feast!

Are you satisfied like this by your self-pleasure or love making?

Can you read your partner’s needs and meet them?

If you’re flying solo, do you know how to cultivate your own orgasmic, ecstatic experiences?

It’s a matter of discovering your own unique map of arousal. Every single £rotic being has a personal pleasure map, and you have one too!

Do you have the skills to determine your lover’s path to passionate ecstacy?

If you master the art of presence, connection, arousal and climax you can…

Experience orgasmic satisfaction and live an orgasmic life!!

And that? Gives you authentic confidence!

The confidence of a Masterful Lover.

The confidence that makes you a s£x god!

Because you know how to get what you want…and how to give what they want.

Free Masterclass

Are you stuck at home right now?

Are you expanding your self-care and personal pleasure practices?

You may be dealing with urgent needs, unexpectedly dropped in your lap by this horrible crisis.

Perhaps this moment is reflecting back to you areas of your life that have been neglected.

If all your worldly possessions were stripped away, you still have your body.

If everything that you take for granted suddenly disappears, you still have love.

Love for yourself and the ability to love others.

Are you investing this time in what really matters?

The lesson we all keep getting, over and over appears to be,

“All we truly have is now!”

Are you making the most of it?

Are you finding ways to get what you want out of life?

Are you finding mentors and guides to show you how to get what you want?

Take this moment to feel deeply one part of your life that deserves your attention, that deserves cultivation, because it has been neglected.

What came up?

Write it down and then write down one, simple action step that you will take to honor this underserved part of your life.

If your desire is to experience passion and fulfillment in your intimacy, you’re in the right place.

This is an odd time to offer our courses, but we know it is an ideal time to share our life-changing teachings.

It’s an ideal time to help people who want it, to skill up and get the playful practices that create orgasmic fulfillment.

We know that prioritizing connection and pleasure enhances health, well being and a sense of purpose and belonging.

We know our mentorship may be exactly what you’re looking for, and it would be a disservice for us to not let you know about this empowering work.

We’re opening up enrollment for our signature program £rotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course next week.

We reshot the entire course last summer, making it so delightful and easy to digest.

We added an entire series of demonstration videos so you can watch, learn and practice the turn ons for every £rotic Blueprint Type (No nudity but super, super HOT!). These videos are for Solo Play and Partnered Play!

So everyone’s included!

Is your interest piqued?

Sign up on the waitlist and we’ll have a special bonus for you when you join the course as an early bird!

The upgraded £rotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course, gives you skills to…

  • Uncover your own unique map of arousal and s£xual satisfaction, empowering you to get your needs fed and fulfilled (as a single or in relationship)
  • Determine your lover’s Blueprint in the course of an evening, so you can confidently deliver orgasmic ecstasy no matter their Blueprint Type
  • Heal the shadows of s£xuality so you can fully feel the pleasure available in your body
  • Release limiting beliefs and shame, freeing you to experience deep intimacy and powerful connection with yourself and others
  • Experience pleasures you didn’t even know were possible

The £rotic Blueprints are a 360º approach to your s£xual wholeness:

  • Giving you a language to articulate your desires and needs
  • Giving you tools to experience optimal s£xual health and pleasure
  • Helping you heal those parts that struggle or feel broken, so you know that you are whole and complete just as you are

And, if you allow us to be your mentors, we’ll open the door to the MOST SATISFYING S£X you have ever had in your life.

(At least that is what our clients have told us)

We know these are unprecedented times and uncertainty is creating challenges for us all, but…

Are you going to live your life by default or by design?

Are you ready to design a life of orgasmic fulfillment?

We can’t wait for you to experience that!

Fill your life with pleasure,

Ian and Jaiya

p.s. Jump on the waitlist and you’ll get a special early bird bonus offer just for waitlist peeps.

I won’t tell you exactly what it is, except that it is a hot and very informative video series to help you increase your pleasure in between the sheets.

You’ve got to get on the waitlist to find out what it is!

I know, I’m such a tease!

“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

As Seen On

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