"At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet." ~Plato I sometimes think I am the most fortunate woman in the world. I seem to attract lovers who have one amazing skill in common: the exquisite use of their hands. Yes, I love their cocks, their mouths, and...
Sexuality Coaching – Your Path to an Extraordinary Sex Life
Have you ever thought about getting a sex coach? Maybe you’re thinking, is there really such a thing? I’ve been a Sex Coach for over 20 years, transforming thousands of people’s lives. I’ve now trained almost 100 coaches to use my Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™...
Playful Restraint – Taking Bondage Out of the Dungeon
What images do you think of when you read the word "bondage"? When I asked this question to my Facebook followers I got a wide variety of responses from dark dungeons to scenes from movies like Pulp Fiction. Then there were responses about political and religious...
The Power of Your Erotic Self Revealed
In last week’s Blog, I introduced you to the Empowered Erotic Personas - A Path to Erotic Freedom. Erotic Personas are pieces of our eroticism we have abandoned or dismissed. They are unlived truths about who we are, what we crave and how we express ourselves. I...
Empowered Erotic Personas – A Path to Erotic Freedom
What are you hiding in there? What parts of your sexual expression and your erotic fantasies are going unlived? There are many reasons you might not let your erotic freak flag fly in our society. Slut shaming, man bashing, fear of ruffling people’s feathers and...
Staying Connected During Hard Times
It seems like there isn't a day that goes by that I don't get a letter from someone having a really hard time in life right now. From earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, migrant crisis, incredible political uncertainty, global economic hardship all the way down to their...
There are 5 Erotic Blueprint Types™
Which One Are You?