Empowered Erotic Personas – A Path to Erotic Freedom

by Jaiya

What are you hiding in there?

What parts of your sexual expression and your erotic fantasies are going unlived?

There are many reasons you might not let your erotic freak flag fly in our society.

Slut shaming, man bashing, fear of ruffling people’s feathers and becoming too much. Fear of abandonment if you show people who you really are!

There are many reasons you may have buried pieces of your erotic exploration and expression?

  • Shame
  • Trauma
  • Fear
  • Safety
  • Being a good girl or good boy

Have you lost pieces of yourself?

One thing I’ve done to reclaim my lost or buried pieces is a process I developed called Empowered Erotic Persona Work.

This is a process of uncovering these buried or hidden parts, finding them in my body, and coaxing them to come out and play.

Every one of the Personas shown in the photo above is a different piece of me.


  • Lilinara –  who shamelessly desires to be lavished with gold offerings just for looking at her
  • Feathered Pet – Wild but tamed as long as you’ve got her on a leash
  • Shy Reluctant – tentative, vulnerable, submissive and mysterious
  • Wickedly Kinky Mistress – loves to toy with you
  • The Gorgeous Goddess – a lover of sensuality and indulgent in the pleasures of this world
  • Icy Queen – your worthless to her, outside of services you can provide

And currently, I’m moving through another layer of self-judgment and manifesting my shameless slut named Puddles.

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What is an Erotic Persona?

Many of us have had many experiences where our sexual exploration was shut down by being shamed: caught self-pleasuring; playing with the girl or boy next door; witnessing “taboo” sex and confused by our own arousal because whatever we witnessed or however we were approached or abused sexually was not supposed to create arousal. Yet it did.

In this confusion, pieces of ourselves can split off, go underground in our bodies. These parts can manifest in recurring fantasies, buried desires, and even neurotic or unhealthy behaviors.

Empowered Erotic Persona work, at it’s most powerful, is about bringing these pieces to consciousness, unlocking them within our bodies, so we can take ownership of them. We can then consciously cultivate and express these energies in playful and healthy ways in our sex lives.

Like my Personas, many of our clients whom we lead through this process discover their super slut, powerful Doms or Dominatrixes, surrendered objects of desire, gods, and goddesses, oh so many Personas hiding in there.

In developing a Persona, we learn how they think, what they desire, how they walk and talk, what clothing and music they love and how they behave with others.

Done inside of a conscious container of consent, we can come alive in our sexuality in new and nourishing ways. We’re empowered to invite our lovers to play with us in inventive ways and our partners get to know us in our full expression.

Being seen and accepted fully for who we are is one of the most powerful experiences life has to offer.

It can be very, very edgy territory.

There are ways to explore these Personas and introduce them into the world in a way that doesn’t freak out your own nervous system and terrify your lover, who’s come to know you as a certain type of person.

The first question to begin to ask is,

“How would I be sexual, if I hadn’t been conditioned a certain way?”

Hearing an honest answer to that question from yourself can be a scary thing.

Don’t judge the answer. Listen and pay attention to your thoughts, feelings and body sensations. Take note, like a scientist observing an alien species.

It’s all information.

What’s the value in Persona Work?

The unexpressed life is the unlived life.

Uncovering these pieces of your own eroticism and desire doesn’t mean you have to dive into a life of lusty abandon, though it might if that’s a piece of who you truly are.

What it does mean is allowing yourself to acknowledge all of yourself, honor every piece of you without judgment.

Your Personas can empower you to take actions to explore sexuality that you may have dismissed, judged, feared or thought too taboo.

And there’s never a dull moment in the bedroom because you can bring out many faces of your eroticism, keep your partner or partners ever interested in the variety your personas can provide.

The methods to fully fleshing out an Empowered Erotic Persona are too intricate to reveal in one Blog Post.

We have been leading the members of our Erotic Freedom Club through the Persona process, and miraculous and beautiful things are emerging for so many of them.

How amazing would it feel to free yourself; to explore and expand into your true sexual self?

How amazing would it be to have a process to experience these parts of you safely?

I love this work so much, I find it so rewarding and powerful, I will be offering this course as a super bonus for those who join our Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course As of this writing, we only open enrollment to this course twice a year – Get on the waitlist here!

Keep your eyes peeled and get in on the action by joining us on a journey to your own Erotic Freedom.

Don’t wait for the course to begin to inquire, “what life do I dream of, that I’m not living and why?”

In that question is perhaps the next great chapter of your life!

Until next time, fill your life with pleasure,


“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

As Seen On

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