The Power of Eroticism For Singles

by Jaiya

What turns you on?
Is it the smell of bonfires and whiskey?
Is it the sound of two people, locked in consensual interplay?
Is it a hand gently cupping your body?
Is it NONE of that?
Is it ALL of it?

Knowing what turns you on is the key to being able to be fulfilled, to be able to ask for it, to own a power within you that makes you irresistible and unstoppable.


Many people believe that if they’re single, they don’t have any reason to tap into these conversations and this knowledge.

They believe they need a partner to help them discover themselves, to give them reason to have soul-shattering sex, to own who they are in the bedroom.

That’s all simply not true.

If you’re single, this is THE time you should be tuning in and turning on so that when you do find a partner(s), if you choose, you will be armed with an arsenal of information that can help you set yourselves up for such a dynamic and fulfilling relationship.

Become a true master of your sexuality and your eroticism and tap into a superpower that:

  • Ignites the truth that you are an erotic being all on your own
  • Puts your personal power back in your hands because you learn what you want and how to ask for it
  • Empowers you with the language of your turn-ons and turn-offs
  • Sets the stage for your next relationship(s) to be deeply satisfying
  • Sets you up for a relationship that is not going to repeat the same patterns of the past
  • Gives you the tools to declare your boundaries and how to create empowering consent conversations
  • Help you get comfortable with expressing your sexuality (desires and fullness) so you can talk about sex like you talk about what’s on your grocery list
  • Magnifies your radiance, charisma and sex appeal because you’re sexually fulfilled
  • Push against beliefs that it’s not okay to be fully expressed sexually and that self-pleasure is “bad”

When you are armed with the language of your body…
When you know how to create pleasure in yourself…
When you expand who you are as an erotic being and are able to express and communicate who you are and what you want…

You become sexually ignited.

Free Masterclass

You become someone who is ultimately magnetic to the lovers you may eventually want to attract.

Knowing your own eroticism is a powerful tool and I spent 10 years doing 3 or more hours a day of self-pleasure practices to learn my instrument and find deep fulfillment.

And that is the path to mastery that allows one to access their sexual superpowers.

If you’re single, you do not need to wait for a partner to learn about the ultimate tool in your toolbox…you.

Imagine walking in your power, daily. Knowing that when someone shows up in your life, you know how to have the conversations you need to have to ask for what you want and get it.

Imagine being the lover that they’ve been dreaming of all of their lives.

Imagine a world completely unlocked because you are the master of your eroticism.

All it takes is knowing your body, in and out, knowing your soul, in and out, and knowing what they long for, in and out…

And you can find all that out with our upcoming Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course. Just pop your name in the box here to be the first to be notified when it goes live so you can begin tapping into that part of you that longs to be touched.

“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

As Seen On

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