Sexuality Coaching – Your Path to an Extraordinary Sex Life

by Jaiya

Have you ever thought about getting a sex coach?

Maybe you’re thinking, is there really such a thing?

I’ve been a Sex Coach for over 20 years, transforming thousands of people’s lives.

I’ve now trained almost 100 coaches to use my Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ methodology to successfully coach their clients to create greater sexual satisfaction in their lives.

Why get a Sexuality Coach?

We get coaches to help build our bodies, build our businesses, be better athletes, help us with our money.

Some of us invest in relationship coaching or therapy, but…

Who has a coach for their sex lives??

I’ll tell you who…

Smart People!

Sex education in most countries is horrible. We’re all stumbling around in the dark. And this activity is something almost every single one of us does.

Don’t you want to be an incredible lover?

Maybe you are a great lover, but I’ve been at this a long time and I am constantly learning new things to take my pleasure or the pleasure of my lover to another level.

Take good to great.

Take being skillful to become masterful!

Free Masterclass

Where did you get your sex education from and how was it?

  • School biology class (in U.S. schools they are not even required to be medically accurate in what they teach)
  • Your friends and peers
  • Religion
  • Porn
  • Magazines

Did they teach you anything about pleasure?

Hopefully, you are one of the few who got some great sex ed and you’ve educated yourself through books, classes, and workshops.

Getting a qualified and skilled Sexuality Coach can show you what’s possible that you didn’t even know was possible.

A great sex coach will:

  • Raise your awareness so you become attuned to your own turn-ons and those of your lover
  • Help you get embodied if you have a problem getting connected and feeling your own pleasure
  • Help you bridge the gap between you and lover’s different erotic styles (Erotic Blueprint™ Licensed Coaches use the Blueprints to help you break through “sexual incompatibility”)
  • Teach you new skills and practices to uplevel your turn on and sexual satisfaction
  • Help increase your confidence in the bedroom
  • Help you discover and breakthrough any emotional, biochemical, bio-energetic or physical blocks keeping you from having what you want
  • Hold you accountable for you to get the satisfaction you crave

In the U.S. almost all coaching in the realm of sex has to be hands-off, because of the laws (how crazy is that).

But a well-trained Coach with a proven system for success has methods to teach you without any hands-on work, yet still be able to give embodied learning.

Prioritize your pleasure. Learn how to be the best lover ever and get the skills to confidently please your partner(s).

Having great sex often extends your lifespan, makes you look younger, helps balance your hormones and it’s just plain fun.

I have close to 100 coaches now trained in my Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Methodology.

If you’re looking for a Sexuality Coach you can trust, check out our Blueprint Coaches here!

“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

As Seen On

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