
Orgasms for All Could Create Peace On Earth!

Peace on earth. Good will toward... humankind. That’s what the world is crying out for right now. The season has come for healing. A time for Yin energy. Loving and creative. Our latent, collective genius needs to be awakened so we can solve the monumental challenges...

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A Pleasure Filled Approach to Optimal Health!

Do you feel healthy, vibrant and alive? Do you spend time on self care? If so, do you looooove prioritizing your health, or does it feel like a steep hill to climb and a daunting chore to maintain? If you’re not caring for your body, why not? If you could create...

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3 Vital Tips to Break Your Stress, Cortisol Addiction

3 Vital Tips to Break Your Stress, Cortisol Addiction

Pleasure in these uncertain times is not a luxury, it’s a vital, life saving practice! When you need protection from imminent danger, cortisol is sent coursing through your body to help you make split decisions, give you super strength, and ultra fast speeds. That’s...

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The Thief of Your Pleasure

The Thief of Your Pleasure

Sex educator Emily Nagoski talks about the “brakes” to accessing desire and pleasure: beliefs, judgments, and feelings that kill your access to enjoyment of your erotic body and mind. In Erotic Blueprints, these are called the “Shadows of your Blueprint” Each...

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3 Tools To Open You To Your Orgasmic Potential

3 Tools To Open You To Your Orgasmic Potential

The candles are dying out. Your mind still hovers somewhere outside your body as the sweat beads and rolls down the curve of your back. The tingling coursing through your body connects you to your vibrant, radiant, orgasmic aliveness. “YES!!” It’s rare that you’ve...

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Use This Practice to Tap Into Your Vitality…

Use This Practice to Tap Into Your Vitality…

Tap into the Schumann Resonance - The field that connects all of us to the energy of the earth! Draw from it the energy and resources we all need now more than ever. Our good friend and powerful Energy Practitioner John Amaral, creator of ‘Energy Flow Formula’, shared...

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