Content Warning: This blog has explicit words and concepts!!

“Sally, he sex-talk-fucked a supermodel into cumming without touching her in his kitchen. If anything, he’s up for an award.”- from the film Fall

When I was in college I saw a movie that really got me to notice just how sexy words can be, especially when they are said in just the right way.

So I decided to find out if words could bring someone to orgasm.

What movie inspired this curiosity?

The movie “Threesome” starring Stephan Baldwin, Josh Charles and Laura Flynn Boyle!

There was a scene in the movie that took place at a library, where Laura sees Josh reading. She gets up on the table, crawls towards him and gets him to read to her.

She loves big words and as luck would have it, he is reading a book with, of course, big words.

She gets very turned on as he reads, and she displays her pleasure by writhing around on the table.

Now, me being a bit of a bookworm, I found myself aroused by the idea of big, sensual words and wanting to play out this scene!

So fast forward to a few years later…

I had a lover who is really into explicit talk. He shows me the film “Fall” and I see another scene which confirms my turn on around words.

Imagine this…

Wild chemistry between a cab driver and a supermodel

She finally agrees to go home with him after numerous pursuits

He presses her up against a refrigerator and kisses her

She states outright “I’m not gonna fuck you.”

He responds, “Good. I don’t want to fuck you. I just want to make you cum.”

She gets so hot from being ravished by kisses, licks and breathy descriptions of what he wants to do to her that she cums.

You can view the clip here:

So when my lover and I explored wordplay in our foreplay, the experience was epic!

Did this scene make you feel hot and heavy?

Do you get turned on when a lover whispers certain words or phrases in your ear?

Have you ever thought about using erotic wordplay with your partner?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have 6 sexy tips to guide you as you explore:

1. State your boundaries

Ask yourself what will turn you on most?

Do you like being called “Slut” or “Whore”?

Would you rather hear descriptions of what your lover is going to do to you?

“I’m going to stick your big cock in my mouth!”

Do you want sweet nothings whispered in your ear – “I will love you until tears fall from your eyes.”?

2. Create a container

It’s not always easy to jump into something new when it comes to sexual play, so it’s important that you learn how to set parameters that are going to create “turn-ons” rather than “turn offs.”

In my particular situation, I didn’t want anything degrading. I didn’t want to be called names and I preferred descriptions of what might be done to me. I also felt safe with fantasy talk.

3. Learn your Erotic Blueprint™

Each of the 5 Erotic Blueprints has specific words that turn them on while others turn them off.

For example, Sexual Blueprints™ love words like pussy, fuck, cock and cum while Sensual Blueprints™ may be skived by them and prefer words like luscious, beautiful, delicious and soft.

You can take the Blueprint Quiz here to get you started.

Free Masterclass

4. Establish who will be the sexy talker

It’s important to agree upon who will be explicitly talking.

Will you banter back and forth?

Will one of you just listen while the other penetrates with language?

If you are a giver, it is important to keep within the parameters set by your partner.

5. Create a list of turn-on words

As foreplay, you and your lover can make a list of words that get the temperature rising.

Try a list of arousing words (lover, sexy, fuck)

Provocative words (whore, pussy, cock)

Hypnotic words (magic, imagine, now)

Or words that paint particular images (red hot, eternity, spicy)

Here is an example of what Ian, my lover and partner, once said to me that melted my heart and made my nether regions gush:

“There is an eternity of you to devour
I shall savor the tastes of your infinite spice
As I take each bite slowly turning it in the moist cave of my senses
There shall I discover I know you and I can never know all of you
There in the folds of your flavors shall I come to know the depths of wonder
That is you”

When we finished making love, I made him write what he remembered down for me. It was so hot, I didn’t want to forget it.

6. Talk through Text

You can begin explicit talk before you’re even in each other’s presence. Texting can be a very effective form of arousal.

Once when I was traveling, I shared some sex messaging that made me so hot I couldn’t wait to get back to my lover.

He told me all the things he would do to me when I returned and I was dripping with anticipation.

When I was in his physical presence, I had one of those movie experiences, where the words combined with anticipation had me in orgasmic bliss in an instant.

So whether you want to explore turn on words with your partner or start a running list of sexy talk on your own, there are benefits of exploring the power of language and how it can lead to orgasmic bliss.

Do you have specific turn-on words that light your fire? Do you have specific words that will turn you off?

Let us know by leaving a comment below.

In week 5 of our Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course we dive deep into “Speaking the Blueprints,” showing how it’s more than just the words you use that create anticipation, arousal and orgasmic dominance and surrender.

Yours in pleasure,


“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

As Seen On

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