5 Hot V-Day gifts that won’t cost you a dime!!

by Jaiya


Valentine’s Day is coming… do you buy roses, again?

A card?

Go out to a fancy dinner at your favorite romantic spot?

We propose you do something different.

Because we are pro-planet… pro-YOU…


There’s a better alternative than spending money on cards that will end up in landfills (or attics for someone else to throw away years later).

Do something that matters more than any of that…

Devote your attention to your lover (even if YOU are your own lover…by the way, you totally SHOULD be, whether you have a partner or not).

Don’t get us wrong.

We LOOOOVE Valentine’s Day because it’s an opportunity to unabashedly share the love for each other and for ourselves…

But, did you know people spend an average of $143 per V-Day gift? And often those gifts don’t make a truly positive or lasting impact on your relationship.

Our hope with this post is that you get something much more rewarding out of this beautiful day than another token of love.

Here are 5 Erotic Blueprint™-friendly ways that you can surprise your lover (or yourself!) for Valentine’s without being part of the $19.6B spent on a holiday that means so much more than a box of candy.

1) Hot Listener Game:

In our busy lives today, the one thing we are doing less and less that’s hurting us more and more is listening. When your partner speaks, make eye contact, listen, and reflect back what they have shared to let them know you actually were listening.

Then… plant a connected, 7 second or more kiss on their delicious lips to remind them that they are more special to you than they could ever know.

And do this every time they talk. This can become a hilarious game that will end up on satin sheets if you play it well and keep it up as a habit.

A Twist for those of us who are our own lovers:

Pay special attention to your words on Valentine’s Day (and every day!)… replace negative self-talk with phrases like, “You are friggin’ FABULOUS! Look at the way you sashayed into that room!”

Now…if you want to kiss the mirror, we will not judge – just do something that makes YOU feel good to celebrate that you’re soaking in your own awesomeness.

2) Get Daring.

Our lives need less stuff and more FUN!

Get bold and get naked in places where you would normally never get naked (be careful with this one…don’t be reckless and get arrested!) But find secluded places to go to be naked together! You can go skinny dipping, streaking or whatever turns you on!

Your “naked” could mean getting emotionally naked, teasing naked (striptease) or adventurous naked (revealing your deepest desires and trying new things in the bedroom, or opening yourself to the outrageous things your lover wants to try.)

Whatever you do…make it fun!

DARE YOURSELVES TO BE WILD AND FREE (without getting arrested!) and celebrate your SEXINESS!

This is an AMAZING turn-on – that rush of adrenaline will flood your circuits and get your juices flowing, too…without spending a dime!

And this one is easily pulled off, even if you are on your own this holiday.

3) Own or Be Owned by Your Lover.

Now, if you’re a Kinky Blueprint™, this is your game. Take control and make them yours…or let them make you theirs, but whatever you do…DO something that massively turns you both on in the bedroom that is a little bit out of your norm.

You may try with or without ropes,…but play the game of dominance and submission with your lover. Take turns being in control and surrendering (if that’s what you both want), and have a BLAST!

Twisties for the singles: A flog is easier to handle if you want to take it to yourself and feel that tingling sensation all over. Even if you’re the one whipping yourself, you may find delight and turn on in the sensation.


If you’re looking for a place to start, check out our 6 part interview with Master Orpheus Black, right here in our Blog Posts.

Free Masterclass

4) Eat It!

“9 ½ Weeks” had it right. Strip off your clothes, get naked in front of the fridge and play guess what this is.

It was an unforgettable movie scene. You can ignite a fire so hot with ice that it melts you. There are lots of ways to play with your food…so get creative and…

Feast on your desires.

Singles, you can layout your own feast, then blindfold yourself, smell, taste, feel each morsel and tasty treat.

You are an £rotic being all on your own …enjoy, lovelies!

5) Get Physical.

This is the oldest Valentine’s Day celebration in the world. But…it’s a goody.

With warm coconut oil and essential oils mixed in, your touch can become electric. If you or your lover is a Sensual Blueprint™, this is a gift that will give so much more than a vase of roses that will die by tomorrow.

Kinky, Energetic, S£xual, and Shapeshifter Blueprints can make the modifications to the massage styles that THEY crave!

We love a good, hot massage for any Blueprint Type or occasion.

Singles Twist: Self-massage is a real thing and it is SUPER SEXY.

DO it. You’ll be glad you did.

Now…if you’re already doing these things, YAY, YOU!!!

We LOOOVE that!

You can still add special twists to each of these games to make them V Day Specials!

The point is…spend TIME and ENERGY connecting this Valentine’s Day.

Your body, your emotions, your vulnerability and connection, your turn on…

These are all available to you all day, every day.

Pleasure is your birthright!

The gift of giving deep, penetrating pleasure costs nothing but your time, creativity and dedication.

Using your god-given tools make more of an impact, and show your love more than any dollar amount you can spend or object you can buy.

“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

As Seen On

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