Erotic Blueprint Quiz
Your Body is a Wonderland

Your Body is a Wonderland

As human beings, we are comprised of so many things… Our spirits. Our energy fields. Our souls. Our memories and stories. Our minds. Our desires, dreams, and fears. And our bodies. It can be argued that all of these things existed before we came into physical being,...

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5 EASY Steps to Getting Your Sexual Needs Fulfilled

5 EASY Steps to Getting Your Sexual Needs Fulfilled

One of the many things that haunts people when it comes to sex is ‘talking about sex.” Most people don’t know how to communicate their needs in ways that nurture trust and deepen connection in their relationship. When there is a lack in communication skills, all the...

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Living in Erotic Energy –  Your Access to Vitality

Living in Erotic Energy – Your Access to Vitality

Another day is beckoning. Are you craving to hide in your blanket fort and to find comfort in a delicious pizza? Are Netflix and Hulu getting stale? Another board game? Really? In this midst of all the shelter in place orders and the lack of consistency coming from...

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