You’ve seen it before; there are people in your life who light up every room that they walk into. They have a positive impact on everyone around them simply because of their presence. These are the people who are so full of joy and pleasure it just overflows into the people around them.
Can you imagine the ripple effect that could happen on a larger scale when billions of people took the time to connect with their pleasure? How powerful that would be!
The whole month of May is dedicated to self pleasure, coinciding with the awakening of the Earth’s erotic/life force energy as we move into the full bloom of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Consider this your invitation to be a part of the pleasure wave… with the intention of erotic liberation for all! Culminating on May 28th – National Masturbation Day!!
What happens when we allow ourselves to connect to our own pleasure? We create an energetic pleasure wave that shifts the energy around us. Just as we see in calls for a moment of silence or prayer for a specific purpose, when any group of people come together with a unified intention, everyone around us benefits! In this case, by moving into a state of ecstasy or orgasmic pleasure, everyone around us experiences the shift with us.
When you move from stress, busyness, unease, and overwhelm to pleasure, you experience a series of internal changes in your nervous system, your brain, endocrine system and so much more. Internally, at a micro level you’re changing your own world. Your internal systems change in such a way that you show up in your daily world with more ease. Additionally, feeling more connected with yourself can help you feel more connected to the other humans in your life. When you fill yourself up and become so pleasure-filled to overflowing, the people around you can’t help but feel it.
In other words, you can take what’s happening internally that can affect everyone you interact with that day!
As such, you become a part of the ripple effect. This is one of those areas where more is more. The more who participate, the more powerful the wave!
If you choose to join in the fun on National Masturbation Day (May 28th), know that you don’t necessarily have to touch your genitals to be a part of the wave of erotic liberation. You also don’t need to achieve an orgasm for this to be effective. All you need to do to be a part of the erotic festivities is to simply take an intentional pleasure pause at some point during your day!
But what if pleasure remains elusive for you?
If you struggle to drop into your pleasure, you are not alone. Perhaps more importantly, you are not broken! You may just require a more highly erotic environment in order to access your orgasmic energy. In her book Come As You Are, Emily Nagoski differentiates spontaneous and responsive desire. Spontaneous desire, as the name suggests, is the ability to desire sex out-of-the-blue. Responsive desire is the ability to desire sex only when the context – including things like visual stimuli and body sensations – is highly erotic. If you find yourself to be more responsive, creating a pleasurable context is going to be more important to you than to someone who is more spontaneous.
Creating a highly erotic context for yourself will vary based upon your Blueprint Type™. Here are some things you might consider based upon your Blueprint:
Energetic Blueprint™ – deep breathing and eye gazing with a partner(s) or with yourself in a mirror
Sensual Blueprint™ – create a beautiful space with your favorite scented candles, music, flowers, comfortable blankets and some juicy orange slices
Sexual Blueprint™ – play with your favorite toys of the vibrational variety
Kinky Blueprint™ – set out all of your favorite toys to play solo or with a partner(s)
Shapeshifter Blueprint™ – pick your favorites from above and mix it up!
However you pleasure, be sure to take time out for pleasure in the name of erotic liberation at some point on May 28th. You can even participate throughout the whole month of May – slowly adding to your pleasure reservoir for the collective pinnacle on the 28th!
And if you’re ready to create a life that drips with pleasure, come join us in The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course!
When you decide to rediscover and reclaim your orgasmic energy by opting into this experience, you get lifetime access to the course and premium access to Erotic Freedom Club, our sex positive online community of humans who are normalizing a pleasure-based life.
Still have questions about which of our programs is right for you? Ask our Pleasure Bot here for assistance, or reach out to our customer care team for more personalized service!