Do you know how to meet your lover’s needs? Fulfilling their deepest desires requires knowing their Blueprint Type™ and mastering the art of Blueprintifying sex techniques to match each technique to their turn-ons. Many of us are starving to be deeply seen by our...
It Takes a Village: the power of community in personal growth
Never underestimate the power of community support in your personal growth. It’s a common occurrence that when we make the decision to create change in our lives that the people closest to us can have difficulty adjusting. This can be attributed to the fact that as we...
The Fastest Path to Ultimate Pleasure!
Photo by Lindsay Miller Riddle me this… If you had never tasted a perfectly ripe, delicious strawberry… Do you think you’d understand the experience of eating a strawberry better by having someone describing the taste of a strawberry to you… Or… By personally sinking...
Savy, Sophisticated and Sexy Gender Inclusion Beyond the Binary
What is all this talk about busting the Gender Binary? Why is it so important and why now? This June we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion where transgender women of color among others stood up and demanded basic decency and human rights,...
A Secret Formula for Life Long Passion!
Do you know how to create that undeniable, seemingly unpredictable chemistry pulling you to your lover like a special kind of gravity that overpowers your “rational” mind for a brief but exhilarating moment… Leaving you feeling fully ALIVE and electric. Ah… That new...
Don’t Miss the World Premiere of Good Sex!
I thought the premise was a little silly at first… put cameras in my client’s bedrooms? Why? I had already been a successful sex coach for years. Why all of a sudden would I go from the standard model of talk-based sessions to a new, untested model? But still, I was...
There are 5 Erotic Blueprint Types™
Which One Are You?