by Pleasure Team

Knowing your Erotic Blueprint Type is never meant to cage you or put you in a box; the framework was created in order to help you expand into your fullest erotic expression! If you find yourself reflected in multiple Blueprints or have experienced confusion in identifying your Blueprint Type, congratulations! You might just be a Shapeshifter Blueprint™!

Unshackle yourself from the ruts and routines and do something unexpected. It’s time to celebrate all of you Shapeshifters out there who bring all of your delicious chaos into the world – whether you are a Shapeshifter, know one or would love to expand into that Blueprint for yourself!

First, it’s important to know that Shapeshifters are fluent in all of the Blueprint Types™: Energetic, Sensual, Sexual and Kinky. As such, they have a huge capacity for pleasure because they love it all! They don’t just love it all; they need feeding in all of the Blueprints in order to feel fully satisfied. A Shapeshifter’s capacity for pleasure is so large, it’s often a question whether there even is such a thing as a fully fed, fully satisfied Shapeshifter.

Shapeshifters also make highly intuitive lovers because they quite literally speak all of the Blueprints. They can go for hours because they need to play in all of the Blueprints. A Shapeshifter fully in their power and expression is not afraid to take up space and let themselves be big!

Life as a Shapeshifter is never short of surprises, as what a Shapeshifter needs and the order in which they need them can vary from day. A routine might not actually serve a Shapeshifter very well in their daily life because of this need for variance. This can throw off the people around them because they never know what to expect from this Blueprint Type. For those of you who have a Shapeshifter in your life, you likely have a love for the adventure and, yes, pandemonium they bring to the everyday experience.

Living in a world that thrives on categorizing humans with a neat and tidy label and rewards consistency and routine can be very confusing for a Shapeshifter. If this is you, there is nothing wrong with you for having different needs. There is nothing wrong with you for having needs. Period. In fact, you get to voice them and you get to have them met!

You get to feed yourself in all of the Blueprints and provide yourself with that oh-so-delicious spice of life – variety! You might find that one day you prefer starting the day with the spaciousness of an Energetic Blueprint™ and other days you much prefer to jump out of bed and immediately into activity like a Sexual Blueprint™. It’s all part of how you get to show up in the world fully expressed.

Whether or not you know yourself to be a Shapeshifter, you can still celebrate Pandemonium Day! Here are some things you can do:

  • Try something that you’ve always wanted to try
  • Dare to pull yourself out of your routine by doing something different
  • Allow yourself to remain open to any and all surprises that may come your way
  • Release the need to follow the rules you hold yourself to yearound that no longer serve you

Today, give yourself permission to want and have it all! You may just discover something new about yourself.

Free Masterclass

Are you ready to revolutionize your sex life and become erotically liberated? Join the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Program today! Over 70 video trainings give you step-by-step guidance and practices to deliver the most comprehensive pleasure education available anywhere. Join as a Premium Member and get Pleasure Mastery calls twice per month where you get live support from our highly-trained Certified Erotic Blueprint™.

Here’s the secret to doing this work: when you become erotically liberated, you give yourself the gift of being able to show up fully- in all of your chaos- in all aspects of your life.

If you already know you’re a yes, click here to join the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Program today!

We also know that taking this step can feel a little edgy for you. If you’re interested in the course, but have some serious questions about whether this is the right move for you right now, > ask our Pleasure Bot here < for assistance or > reach out to our customer care team < for more personalized service! We’re here to support you in making the best decision that supports your pleasure evolution.

We hope to see you in the course and as an active member in Erotic Freedom Club!

“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

As Seen On

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