by Ian Ferguson

“I haven’t been able to talk about sex so honestly before…”

“I feel safe enough here to be vulnerable, raw and real…”

“It changed my life to have a safe space to ask questions, express my curiosity about sex and not feel judged”

These are just a few of the common confessions we hear from our amazing community members in Erotic Freedom Club [EFC].

While there are many erotic communities out there, I’ve never experienced a sexuality community quite like Erotic Freedom Club (EFC).

I know of no other sexuality community where every Erotic Blueprint Type is honored and celebrated.

Typically, erotic communities are specialized. There are Tantra communities (for the Energetic and Sensual Types), Kinky communities (Well, you know, for the kinkies), Sexual communities (Like swinger groups or hook-up sites).

These can be amazing places to spread your sexy wings – if the community you find fits your desires, has strong ethics, and you feel seen and safe.

But have you tried some of these communities and you feel limited or like you’ve got to fit into a box with your full erotic expression?

Or you find a group where your desires are met but your partner feels out of place because they are a different Erotic Blueprint™ Type??

Or perhaps the idea of a sex group freaks you out???

Well, keep reading just a bit longer, because…
EFC is here to provide a safe container for fully-embodied, pleasure-based wisdom. We’re simply a group of people who love to talk and learn about all types of empowered sex.

Our container of Consent, Care, and Confidentiality is of the highest importance to us. Our commitment is to be inclusive of different backgrounds, cultures and consensual erotic interests.

EFC is like a sexy smorgasbord where you get to feast on the delights of every possible turn on!

While I can go on and on about EFC, I want to stress the importance of having a community to help you nurture your erotic growth.

Here are 5 ways erotic communities can help make your sex life EPIC!!!

1) Safely discover the real you.

Since many erotic communities encourage authenticity and safety, you will have the flexibility and freedom to discover who you are beyond shame and fear and outside of societal standards and your parental expectations.

This can help support you by looking at sex with new eyes and new perspectives to take your sex life to the next level.

2) Foster new connections to guide you on your erotic journey

It can be tough going on an erotic journey alone. You need all the support you can get, especially if you experienced trauma or religious shame.

So, meeting like-minded people can often reduce the feeling of isolation and help you heal/reframe what you learned about sex as a child – if that point of view no longer serves you.

Be celebrated when you have had a breakthrough or a hot experience and share setbacks or epic seduction fails when things didn’t go as planned.

You have people cheering you and comforting you through thick and thin — that’s the kind of support that’s needed to rewire your sexuality where you know you deserve to experience the pleasure that is your birthright!!

Do you know who you are as an erotic being?

Do you know what’s erotically possible?

How will you ever unleash your full potential if you keep stumbling around alone, in the dark?

3) Discover new ways to make your sex life exciting and vibrant

Google can supply you with all sorts of information. But how do you know it’s accurate? And who’s there to hold your hand when what you find doesn’t work for you? There’s nothing that can replace getting personalized, customized practices and incisive insights directly from people who have mastered swimming in waters you’ve always been curious to explore.

Google and many erotic communities are filled with techniques, but the right technique on the wrong person can create more disconnection and reinforce relationship resentments.

Being surrounded by a community full of trained Erotic Blueprint Coaches who know how to help you find the methods that will turn up your specific turn on is an opportunity to get your deepest desires fed and fulfilled.

4) Prioritize pleasure

Our everyday lives can be filled with stress, responsibilities, and agreements we hold consciously and subconsciously. This makes it easy to forget about self-care and pleasure.

Our top Core Brand and Community Value in EFC is Pleasure First!

How would your life be different if each and every day you put pleasure first?

5) Make life a constant adventure

You’ll gain real skills to help you experience a life filled with connection, passion and adventure.

Discover the art of Adventure Dating and create intoxicating experiences just perfect for you and possibly a partner! Take the guesswork out of sexual satisfaction with our system for deeply rewarding sexual expansion called The Sex Sexy Lab. Dare yourself to try a certain erotic act regularly over a set amount of time with our Sex Life Challenges. These and many other practices inside EFC make the possibilities for arousal and sexual satisfaction limitless.

Free Masterclass

Whether you’re extraverted, introverted, monogamous, poly, religious or not-so-religious… having a welcoming, informed, and safe erotic community is essential for you to take your love life and sex life to the next level.

Are you ready to meet your fellow adventurers?

Are you ready to taste the power of real and empowering sex education?

If you’re already in the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course, then you know what we’re talking about! If not, you may want to dive even deeper and check out what the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course is all about.

We can’t wait to welcome you home!

Jaiya, Ian and the Pleasure Team

“Our compatibility has gone through the roof…how to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again!“

Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Embrace what has been buried and shamed in your body for thousands of years.

As Seen On

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