It’s been a little over four years since I discovered the Erotic Blueprints®.
This has been more than a flash-in-the-pan moment of aha’s for me. It has become a deeper and deeper processing tool with amazing benefits.
I had encountered other personality typing tools in the past. Most told me my weaknesses and maybe some of my strengths but none gave me the transformational tools to change my life and lifestyle like the Blueprints did.
So here I am, four years later, still exploring the Blueprint model and in doing so, transforming my life.
When I discovered the Blueprints, my life was a mess in so many ways.
My love life was rocky and full of conflict, my health was shaky to say the least and my nervous system was deeply dysregulated.
Learning that I was primarily Energetic and displaying many of the Shadows of the Energetic Type™ was a great starting point to creating change in the way I chose to live my life.
Acknowledging that I really am sensitive to the environment around me helped me create clearer boundaries and to ask for what I truly wanted and needed.
This was the starting point of my lifestyle creation.
I now harbor no shame nor apology about being an Energetic with a particular set of needs.
My sleep improved after designing a bedroom that can blackout light. Noise reduction was important too. A switch to turn off the wifi in the evening made a huge difference.
I live each and every day following my natural energy flow, early to bed and early to rise.
Feeling more at ease around my dietary requirements coupled with choosing energy-based exercise, such as Qigong, were all big needle movers.
Then there was my Sensual side that feels fed by a different set of pleasures.
Yummy food, color and textures.
I removed clothing items from my wardrobe that did not bring me joy and started dressing every day in ways that I found pleasing.
I take time to enjoy the pleasure of my meals, choosing places to eat that were sensually pleasing in both the environment and the menu offerings.
I incorporate sufficient Sensual touch throughout the week to keep my nervous system regulated.
The next phase of Blueprint lifestyle manifestation was balancing all my choices with those of my husband who is Sexual/Energetic.
His Blueprint wiring dislikes clutter. He prefers to own minimal possessions and keep his space clear and open. He likes time for very direct sexual interactions and also a life of adventure.
With all this information gathered and the shifts we had embodied, my husband and I started to imagine our ideal lifestyle.
We asked ourselves, “What sort of home would allow us both to feel fully seen?”
We had been living those last 13 years in a small, 2-bedroom apartment in the heart of Melbourne, an amazing, vibrant city.
We had been making it work in the tight quarters we lived in.
My man would be mostly out during the day and we made agreements to give each other space and time alone in our home.
When COVID hit, Melbourne was put into months of lockdown and with my man working from home, we had an opportunity to acknowledge even more deeply the mutual need for space.
This, coupled with a plan to build a large apartment block overshadowing our home, precipitated a decision to move.
Over 12 months we crafted a list of all the things we wanted in our new home.
Open space and light were vital for our Energetic Blueprints, as were personal spaces for each of us.
Adventure close at hand to feed my man’s Sexual was a must, and a workshop where he could build beautiful furniture was high on his list.
A well-equipped kitchen and beautiful living spaces were important to feed my Sensual.
To sell, we chose an agent whom we felt aligned with and sold our apartment with ease. We found our dream home listed in the exact week we wanted to buy and purchased it with little effort.
Our bedroom is on the upper floor. It is spacious and airy with two balconies.
From our bed, we can watch the sunset over a vista of mountains. There is a spa bath and monsoon shower in the ensuite.
The kitchen is beautifully appointed and has views of the mountains. The living areas are separate from the bedrooms (privacy for my Energetic!).
We are just over a mile (2.4kms) from the ocean on the Gold Coast of Australia.
My Energetic and Sensual sides feel totally blessed!
Now we have a home crafted from our Blueprints, which will support us in expanding even further into our Superpowers as an Energetic/Sensual woman with a Sexual/Energetic man!
And there is still so much more to explore…………………….
Helen Rowlands is a Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach. She is married to Philip, has three adult children and resides in Gold Coast, Australia.
Helen’s coaching is informed by a holistic lifestyle and long-term conscious partnership, spreading Pleasure Waves around the globe.
To find out more about Helen Rowlands and her work as a Coach visit her at: pleasurewaves.com.au.