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The basis of our coaching work is based on consent and boundaries. It is imperative that you respect the BP coach when reaching out to them for consultation. BP coaching is not for you if you cannot respect boundaries.

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Whitney Lowery

American Abroad (Anywhere on Zoom)


Easeful embodiment for women who are wound-up and worn-out, tense and tired, from all the work and self-improvement.

Who specifically do you like to help/serve?

If pleasure is another chore, orgasms are another should, and your self-care feels more like self-domination and an obsession with perfection and purity (aka 'wellness'), let's talk.

Does this sound like you?
* Relaxing makes you tense.
* When you don't like something, you think you can make it work by trying harder.
* Embodiment is another thing to achieve, pleasure is another thing to perfect.
* You're so focused on getting something 'right' that you lose connection with your body and your pleasure.
* You push yourself through the day, you push yourself through self-pleasure, always focused on the next thing to do and accomplish, as if someone is keeping score.
* You're more practiced at putting your attention on everything but your body. You push your attention away from your body, onto everything outside of you.
* You're good at doing, but believe you're bad at being.
* You cannot sense your body's signals for 'yes' and 'no' and are, therefore, cut-off from your animal body's instincts and your spirit's intuition.
* You endure a lot of discomfort and tolerate the intolerable by ignoring your body and pushing through the ick to get it over faster, instead of tending to what's causing you to clench.
* You want to learn how to re-sensitize your body, from the surface of your skin to the more subterranean levels of your being, so that you feel more awake and alive.
* You want to relax the energetically-expensive tension you're carrying around all day and stop clenching, bracing and pushing so much.
* You want to release pent-up energy by dispersing it through your whole body, and to learn embodiment exercises that help you dance with big emotions, like despair or rage, in ways that are enlivening (not exhausting).

As a coach of erotic artistry, I'm actually not all that interested in orgasms (sorry, Sexuals!), as I think they get all the attention anyway and often create more pressure and tension in a woman's body (if she's not a Sexual BP), as she pushes herself into sex healing spaces, trying to learn neo-tantric tricks, new positions, new toys, and a hiearchy of climaxes to achieve (clitoral, g-spot, cervical, touchless/energetic, heartgasm, etc.). Like a video gamer, she believes that by hitting that next level, and winning that next type of orgasm, everything is going to be better. I'm more interested in getting curious about sex that's so good you don't care so much about the orgasm, and a life so yummy that you're no longer desperate for bigger, better and more orgasms because that's the only place you allow yourself to be in pleasure. We've compartmentalized pleasure to only mean genital-based arousal, and in doing so, robbed ourselves of the immense opportunities we have to make our entire day so much more enjoyable that we fall in love with being alive. Yes, orgasms are exquisite. But, I've also seen how in climax-specific spaces, the body is approached like a machine or instrument, where you touch here three times, use this or that breathwork hack, and then voila, orgasm. It feels too mechanistic and pushy for me, personally.

I want to explore:
How would your self-care change if it was based on what added to your aliveness or melted your tight muscles? (Which includes honoring your limits and boundaries by saying 'no' more.) How would you exercise if you moved for your body's enjoyment instead of how you're supposed to workout? How would you redesign your business if you followed the flow of energy and let eros lead you? How would you pee, brush your hair, walk down the street, or cook your dinner if you were well-practiced with making the moment more pleasurable simply by sensing your body and responding?

The way I work is specific to the high-achiever, get-it-right kinda gal who's accustomed to looking outside of herself for the answers. She doesn't understand that the 'right' way to touch her vulva is the way her vulva wants to be touched right now. She's so trained to lead and direct everything, that she has no felt-sense of what it's like to let eros lead her.

I offer single-sessions for embodiment training. To get a picture of what sessions look like, imagine a pleasure-based movement studio class where you and I are the only ones in the room, and everything is personalized to your body’s preferences.

I can also coach you through the Erotic Blueprints course through the lens of feminine embodiment and woman-ing your way. As you make your way through the course, I will support you in practicing exercises so that you live the lessons (not just ‘know’ the material), and shape the ideas to make more sense for you. This way, you’re not following the shoulds and supposed-tos of each Blueprint (expectations and assumptions like: Energetics enjoy yoga, Sensuals melt during deep-tissue massages, Kinky people love latex and leather and being spanked, etc.) but you’re finding your own way to express your erotic energy. So, rather than shaping yourself to the Blueprint material, you reshape it to suit you.

If you don't want 1:1 support, but are looking for self-led embodiment experiences that are informed by the Blueprints, I am actively creating different mini-courses and playshops. Browse the recordings on my site, as I'm always coming up with new classes.


1:1 virtual coaching on embodiment