DISCLAIMER: The following coaches are certified Erotic Blueprint™ coaches. Individual coaches may have other licenses or certifications in various therapeutic modalities. Jaiya, Inc does not verify the authenticity of any other licensure or certification for the coaches listed below. Please contact a coach directly to find out more information about other licenses or certifications.

The basis of our coaching work is based on consent and boundaries. It is imperative that you respect the BP coach when reaching out to them for consultation. BP coaching is not for you if you cannot respect boundaries.

FOR COACHES: If you’d like to update your directory listing, please login here, and then navigate to your individual listing, where you will see a link at the bottom of your listing to edit your directory listing.


Julianne Vaccaro



Julianne is what she calls a Mistress of the Body & a Quantum Transformationist. Through her Goddess Approach methodology, she guides women on a radical journey of homecoming & reclamation - fostering health, vibrancy, & self-love. As a Somatic Sexologist trained & specializing in Holistic Health, Spiritual Psychology, Pelvic Care, & Scar Tissue Remediation, Julianne empowers her clients to create a life from their heart, womb & pu$$y..unlocking infinite possibilities for life, love & prosperity.

J is the host of The Reclamation Project podcast with almost 400 episodes, all the way from incredible guest episodes to solocasts & recorded coaching calls. She also owns a retreat property in Boulder, CO where she hosts her clients for multi-day immersions & puts on live events! You can check out her in person offerings/ collaboration here: https://www.juliannevaccaro.com/venusvalleyevents

Who specifically do you like to help/serve?

Julianne loves to work with purpose driven women & leaders...the visionaries & paradigm shifters...who are ready to turn on their fullness & badassery in sex, love & business.

She works with rebel souls, the ones who have a hunger for big love & a thirst to do things way outside of the norm. The ones with big visions & missions - & know the way forward into ‘more’ is through their body, heart & soul.

Her work is about self excavation, clearing out the old to make space for the new. Going into the depths of your soul to reclaim your truth & power so you can live the big life you were meant to live.

She’ll help lift you into your bigness while showing you - you can have it all.

Ready to drop the shoulds & shouldn’ts? The limiting beliefs that keep you playing small?

J will give you the tools & practices to become your own best medicine woman - in health, love, sex & biz.

Your dreams & visions are already yours. Will you claim them?


intuitive eating, gut & hormone health, embodiment, sexual healing + reclamation, feminine leadership, wealth expansion, prosperity, purpose & business

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