DISCLAIMER: The following coaches are certified Erotic Blueprint™ coaches. Individual coaches may have other licenses or certifications in various therapeutic modalities. Jaiya, Inc does not verify the authenticity of any other licensure or certification for the coaches listed below. Please contact a coach directly to find out more information about other licenses or certifications.

The basis of our coaching work is based on consent and boundaries. It is imperative that you respect the BP coach when reaching out to them for consultation. BP coaching is not for you if you cannot respect boundaries.

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Melissa Chanselle-Hary

Reno, Nevada l US l International l Outer realms


I am Melissa. (she/her/they). I woke from a culturally conditioned stupor in 2018. Having done all the "supposed to" things; I had never been more unwell or unfulfilled. Having barely survived 2018, I was on a quest. After working with the Blueprints and Reiki to support my healing and expansion, I found a clear connection between knowing yourself and executing life with confidence, compassion, and grace. In addition to being an Erotic Blueprint Coach, I became a Reiki Master and Death Midwife. I use various methods and techniques to meet each body where they are. I facilitate and accompany others on the journey that calls. No one outside of you knows what is best for you. I hold space for others to listen deeply, find their thread, and follow their inner knowing.

I am not interested in people being happy. I am interested in people knowing themselves. Knowing yourself, and living life as yourself requires investigation, contemplation, radical forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion. Living life as yourself requires a confrontation of what has been expected. It requires drawing boundaries to honor what is true. You have to know yourself, to live life as yourself. Living as yourself means more joy and less obligation. More vibrancy, and less apathy. Living as YOU means a life of liberation, for yourself, and ultimately, others. The bonus? Hotter, deeply satisfying sex and intimacy!

Who specifically do you like to help/serve?

I work with all genders, bodies, and relationship types in the liminal spaces of Sex, Death, and Reiki.
I support individuals and people in relationships to reconnect and expand their erotic essence, sex skills, and confidence. I guide others in confronting and preparing for death emotionally, spiritually, and logistically. As a compassionate disruptor, I support people in conflict communication and resolution in the personal and professional realms.


Erotic Awakening and Expansion, Conflict Communicaiton, Sex and Intimacy with Compromised Health, Death Midwife Services, Usui Holy Fire III and Karuna® Reiki Master, Protective Energy practices, trauma aware and informed, somatic and experiencial coaching.


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