DISCLAIMER: The following coaches are certified Erotic Blueprint™ coaches. Individual coaches may have other licenses or certifications in various therapeutic modalities. Jaiya, Inc does not verify the authenticity of any other licensure or certification for the coaches listed below. Please contact a coach directly to find out more information about other licenses or certifications.

The basis of our coaching work is based on consent and boundaries. It is imperative that you respect the BP coach when reaching out to them for consultation. BP coaching is not for you if you cannot respect boundaries.

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Coach Diane D

Toronto. Ontario


I was almost 40 when I learned I had ADHD. I was relieved. I got home and was excited to hire someone to teach me about my brain.
It took me 12 years to find real help. I was so empowered, I became an ADDCA Certified Coach. Throughout my practice, I found that many clients had sexuality issues. I went searching for the most wholistic sexuality course I could find. Being Erotic Blueprint Certified, has equiped me with everything and more you could need to understand, feed, speak, heal and expand you erotically.
People often don't know how to talk about love, boundaries, sex and more. Few discuss desires, adventures and growth in their sex life.
When you have ADHD, processing can make it even harder. You could love a lot of sex or have little interest. There are reasons for that and solutions.
Now you can be empowered with great tools for your best life.

Who specifically do you like to help/serve?

No need to feel discouraged, unsatisfied, disconnected & just not good enough?
I help couples, where one or both have ADHD, repair and renew their relationship, by increasing their communication skills and sexual awareness for a deeper connection, and more satisfying life, insividually & together. Let's get started. Contact me - info@dianedelina.com


Communication, ADHD, Relationships, Sex, Self-Esteem. Life as a Genius brain,


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