DISCLAIMER: The following coaches are certified Erotic Blueprint™ coaches. Individual coaches may have other licenses or certifications in various therapeutic modalities. Jaiya, Inc does not verify the authenticity of any other licensure or certification for the coaches listed below. Please contact a coach directly to find out more information about other licenses or certifications.

The basis of our coaching work is based on consent and boundaries. It is imperative that you respect the BP coach when reaching out to them for consultation. BP coaching is not for you if you cannot respect boundaries.

FOR COACHES: If you’d like to update your directory listing, please login here, and then navigate to your individual listing, where you will see a link at the bottom of your listing to edit your directory listing.



Boston, Gloucester, Massachusetts, Virtually, Everywhere


Explore the Grand Banquet of Sexuality... your every desire is on the table and you can taste all that is possible (don’t worry, I won’t yuck your yum.)

Hi, my name is GenaSis. I became a Sex and Relationship Coach by popular demand. Since junior high school, people have always spoken with me about their desires and sex lives because it feels so normal to do so. I have 35 years of sexual curiosity and personal experience living outside the lines of conformity, exploring bi-sexuality, polyamory, kink, energetic/Tantra, psychedelics and much, much more. Around me, people feel permission to discover their fully authentic, erotic selves without shame. They feel radiantly alive, glowing, growing and truly free.

After living the corporate life for 25 years, I bowed to my fate and became a Certified Erotic Blueprint™ Coach to broaden my expertise in sexuality and an Accelerated Evolution Coach to develop the skills of leading people through transformations, iluminating the obstacles blocking goal achievement and dissolving inner conflict to bring peace and flow. I am also a Certified Level 2 Theta Healing Practitioner working with shifting and disolving beliefs and patterns that interfere with having optimal health and welbeing.

Join me in the kitchen of love! Schedule a session today on my website and let's whip up a scrumptious, and satisfying sensual feast that will keep you coming back to each other for more deliciousness, year after year. Bon appétit!

Who specifically do you like to help/serve?

I love helping couples rekindle romance, deepen intimate connection, improve communication, and make LOVE in infinite ways!
I empower people to be their full, authentic selves and live lives filled with joy, pleasure and vitality by encouraging them to explore and expand their sexuality. Regardless of whether you are currently sexless or things are going ok, I help you shift to being satisfied and even overflowing with pleasure.
I can break you free from settling, shame, shoulds, boxes and limitations. My nickname is “Ms. Purrmission.” I provide loving, non-judgmental support as you transform and up level into who you really are.
I love helping couples remember what made them fall in love in the first place by improving their identification and communication around their desires and turn-ons while creating an atmosphere of fun play.


Kink-curiosity, Polyamory-curiosity, LGBTQIA+-curiosity, Energetic Orgasm-curiosity, Men's Multiple Orgasm-curiosity