Discover Your Blueprint Type
Unlock The Pleasure Your Deserve
Like 2,321,000 Others Already Have!

Experience Deeper Connection,

Orgasmic Intimacy &

Satisfying Sex…

With The Erotic Blueprints!

This “In-Depth Blueprint Quiz” is the same erotic assessment Jaiya used to start Erika and Damon on their transformational journey on on Netflix’s series ‘sex, love & goop’

As Featured On

There are 5 Erotic Blueprint Types™​

Discover Your Unique Blueprint Type TODAY!

If sex isn’t feeling fun, easy, and deeply pleasurable, it’s probably because you’re having sexual experiences in the wrong Blueprint Type for YOU.

But when you discover your own Erotic Blueprint Type, you’ll…

  • $Discover EXACTLY what turns you on and drives you wild, so you can take control of your pleasure and get MORE of it whenever you want
  • $Understand YOUR sexual superpowers so you can unlock reliable, toe-curling orgasms solo or with a partner
  • $See why “sexual incompatibility” is a myth, and how you can experience deeply fulfilling connection and intimacy with ANY partner
  • $Confidently give and receive pleasure with ANY lover, because you’ll know exactly what you want and how to ask for it

Sounds good right? You can start experiencing all of this for yourself by clicking the button below to…

Before the Erotic Blueprints I was seriously desperate in my marriage and had almost lost hope in getting back what was once an amazing sex life. I learned from the Blueprints that the things I was taking the most personally and that were keeping us from being intimate were actually shadows of his Blueprint showing up! After that I could actually have compassion and understanding for the things he needed to feel turned on and ready for intimacy. Now I experience fun and playfulness instead of stress and pressure in our sex life!!


When you take the In-Depth Quiz
You’ll Discover Your Own Unique Pleasure Profile:

You are a mix of ALL 5 Blueprint Types!

Knowing the percentage of each Type that you are, gives you more tools to experience pleasure, and more possibilities to overcome sexual incompatibility with your lover(s).

Here’s what a complete Erotic Blueprint Pleasure Profile looks like…

(Don’t worry, no one ever sees your unique profile except you – unless you choose to share it with a lucky lover!)

Take the In-Depth Quiz and
Get Your ‘Pleasure Profile’

Where Did the Erotic Blueprint Types Come From?

Jaiya is an award-winning Somatic Sexologist with over two decades of clinical research and client observation under her belt. She is the creator of The Erotic Blueprints and the best-selling author of the books ‘Red Hot Touch’ and ‘Cuffed, Tied & Satisfied.’ 

Jaiya’s experience as a Somatic Sexologist along with immersive study of ancient erotic rituals, tantric sex, kinky dynamics, mastery of touch, and the biology & psychology behind turn on and attraction led her to discover this revolutionary map that gives everyone a path to unlocking life giving pleasure and orgasmic fulfillment in their body. 

During this intimate work, Jaiya noticed patterns of arousal and commonalities that create disconnection. What turned on one person, flat lined another.  

Jaiya tested this revolutionary new model for sexual communication professionally with hundreds of clients for over 5 years before she began sharing it with the world as a reliable framework.

Thousands of clients and hundreds of clinical hours later, this empowering framework has stood the test of time and implementation.

Now you can use The Blueprints to claim a life filled with passion and pleasure!

“Before I learned about the Blueprints, I was unsure of my own desires and unable to communicate clearly with my partners. The Blueprint course taught me a language and a new way to understand myself, a way to discover what I really desire, and gave me the confidence to share that without charge or shame. Now my relationships are all blooming and growing deeper by the day because I am able to be honest about my desires and challenges with my partners in ways I never could before.”


“I went into deep learning and found an amazing language and set of tools created by Jaiya that enabled me to feel like I was enough, like I could be my self and feel deep pleasure in my body. I needed to feel what it could be like to respect myself and others for who they are and where they’re at in order to explore my inner desires and finally shine.”
Sara S.

“I had spent more than 25 years in the very masculine world of high tech start-ups which led me to live in my head and to disconnect from my body. Then I discovered the Erotic Blueprints and woke up! I remembered how to feel my body, and listen to it’s wisdom. I discovered there’s a whole technicolor world of pleasure, possibility, expansion and freedom. Now I’m happier and more fulfilled than ever both inside the bedroom and out!”
Heidi J.

“Before the Erotic Blueprints™ I was sexually starving in my marriage and had almost given up hope on that ever changing. Feeling that there was something wrong with me, that I was broken and so while I could still help my husband find orgasm and while I could get some sensual satisfaction through dance classes at my studio, orgasm was something I could only find with a vibrator and without my hubby around.

Learning about the Blueprints™ was like a buffet line of possibilities opening up before me and all of MY favorite things were on the menu. With new highly promising exotic dishes on the horizon that I was excited to try. Together my husband and I went to Path to Passion and suddenly we had a common language with which to communicate and enough empathy toward one another to actually try. With the help of the Blueprints we were able to start understand each others bodies, needs and desires in deeper and more fruitful ways.

Now I am no longer starving. I have a weekly self pleasure practice and am having a much juicier sexier life. Filled with more communication, connection, and endless possibilities for play with my amazing partner.”

Jess R.

“Prior to discovering the Blueprints, I had been in pretty well a sexless marriage for 30 years. After discovering that we were both blueprinted a certain way, EVERYTHING changed. We discovered a whole new language with which to communicate and I let go of my shame, as did my husband.

We are more in love now than we ever have been, and of course, our intimacy has simply sky-rocketed!”


“There was a time when shame around my desire kept me from accepting myself and from actually fulfilling that passion. My studies with the Erotic Blueprints™ helped me to address that shame within a supportive community environment. Now I understand myself better and have learned how to feed my passion without shame and with clear boundaries. My erotic life is so much more fulfilling now!”
Kevin P.

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